Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Double action (GET & POST) posted! Modx Manager

When you encounter this type of error, its due to the specification of
query-string and post form with "a" parameter


oclanis said...

Awesome :-) Is there a way to get modx to accept both post and get with the "a" parameter, because i have a module that processes uploads by opening a second instance of modx in the background and i need the a parameter to switch to the modules-screen?

Unknown said...

Hi Oclanis,

im not sure why you need a 2nd instance of modx,
but perhaps you may use javascript or remove the a parameter from the 2nd modx instance before submission of the form.

oclanis said...

Hello James, thanks for your reply, the second instance of modx will be opened by a java applet for uploading the images to the imagegallery-manager with client-side imageresizing, it would work with a separate php file for handling the uploads outside modx, but i need access to the modx api for writing database entries and such, to better understand you may want have look at it, it is available under called AdvAlbum, its just the module which makes use of double formaction

Unknown said...

perhaps you would want to writing connectors instead of directly calling manager/index.php in this case?