Monday, March 24, 2014

[atpvbaen.xls].WorkDay replaced

[atpvbaen.xls].WorkDay has been replaced by Application.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay in office 2010

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

work around for FB.XFBML.parse

For what ever reason due to reason update or facebook changes,
the god damn FB.XFBML.parse stop working...

found a work around:
if you are using fbml, eg:
[div id="mylike" class="fb-like" data-href=""][/div];

#reload all fb like iframe:
function reloadFB() {
 var boxes = jQuery(".fb-like iframe");
 for(var c=0; c < boxes.length; c++) {
  var box = boxes[c];
  box.src=  box.src;